Saturday, April 10, 2010

Opinion: Russian KGB Assassinates Polish President

It appears that the KGB was successful in the assassination of anti-communist Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

President Kaczynski, his wife and several top Polish officials were en route to to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Katyn forest massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police.  Hmmm, this following a successful coup in Krygyzstan that could result in the back door being shown to the strategic airbase the U.S. has there while Putin buddies up.  Russia seems to be on the move.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hooray For Maine!


The proposal allegedly stemming from a 12 year old transgender who rights were trampled when he (or she) was denied access to the little girls room.

I don't know about you, but I feels that all of America's transgendered youth deserve equal access to BOTH the men's room AND the women's roomIt's only fair.  Hey, if you're a natural male or natural female, you'd better stick with one restroomBut if you're brave enough, if you're bold enough to mutilate and defy your very being, well, have them both, you deserve it!

April 9, 2010: First Post

It is my intention to maintain this amazingly cheap piece of "web real estate" as a platform for open comment and discussion on mainly things that are important.  By "important" I mean, things that bear weight in relation to the state of a populace.  This would not include Lady Gaga's latest pass-out in a bar, the Dallas Cowboys new draft, or GM vs. Ford.

Welcome to Angles And Arguments.

- Mr. Ninesling